रविवार, 31 मई 2009

Are you a Dwij?

A Brahmin is not supposed to claim Brahmin status by birth. He must be reborn by learning and attain Brahminical status through the achievement of a mental and cultural status befitting a Brahmin. Any one born low could become a Brahmin by elevating his learning and conduct and similarly one who had achieved Brahmanical status could be pushed to a lower strata if his conduct became to demand such relegation. A Brahmin must be "Re-born" and that is why he is called "Dwij- twice born".

It is to be noted that Vishwamitra was initially a Kshatriya king, who later chose and rose to become an ascetic rishi and was included in 'brahmrishis' (earlier brahmrishis :- Angira, Atri, Gautam, Kashyap, Bhrigu, Vashistha and Bharadwaj)